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Community for culture, art and events


UrbanApa TOOLBOX on työpaja/labi , jonka tarkoituksena on saattaa yhteen taiteen eri alojen ammattilaisia. TOOLBOX tarjoaa alustan taiteellisten praktiikoiden jakamiselle, paineettomalle taiteelliselle työskentelylle ja yli genrerajat ylittäville kokeiluille.

Syksyn 2020 ensimmäisessä  TOOLBOXissa työskennellään teeman “leaks” eli valumien ja vaikutusten parissa.

TOOLBOXin co-kuraattori Suvi Kemppainen kirjoittaa teemasta seuraavaa:

leaks in the moment of dizziness let’s turn to each other with finding joy and value in the collective. sharing and practicing strategies for support, grounding, resilience, non-linear and fantasy. could care be an act of belonging not limited to a certain aesthetic or volume, but a communal kinship towards solidarity and togetherness expanding from an idea of self to collective care? addressing the current conditions as a potent change: renaming, taking new directions and stirring the static.

Jaamme taiteellisia (ja oikean elämän) praktiikoita, tutkimme, keskustelemme ja vietämme aikaa yhdessä. TOOLBOX on suunnattu ammattilaisille MUTTA ei vaadi esiintymis- tai tanssitaustaa. Toki työskentelemme myös kehollisten, rytmisten tai tilallisten praktiikoiden parissa.

Työpajanvetäjinä / fasilitoijina toimivat mm: Suvi Kemppainen, Elsa Heikkilä,  Anni Puuperä, Satu Rinnetmäki, Saara Hannus, Milka Luhtaniemi ja Sonya Lindfors

Missä & milloin?

Päivät klo10-15 tanssikoulu DCA:n tiloissa Mannerheimintiellä tai koronatilanteesta riippuen etänä Zoomissa.

Eettiset ohjeistukset

Alustan eettisen ohjeistuksen löydät TÄÄLTÄ.


DCA:n tiloihin on esteetön kulku ja sukupuolineutraali WC. Valitettavasti WC ei ole saavutettava.

Onko sinulla kysymyksiä tai tarpeita? Laita meille viestiä ( ) niin selvitetään yhdessä 🙂


Tiistai 15.9. 10:00 – 15:00

Suvi Kemppainen: facing the unknown (consent is care)

in this workshop day we could dance gestures of poetry, melt bones and shake with ghosts. shifting perspective from the center of the limelight to the peripheries we look for practices of anchoring in and with the unknown. what a consensual relationship to (art) institutions can look like? we will practice saying no and look for tools to feel more supported in the contexts we operate in. through movement, writing and talking facing the unknown proposes different gestures of holding space for accountability, dance and companionship. please bring your notebook or laptop with you.

Keskiviikko 16.9 10:00 – 15:00

Soft Practice collective ( Satu Rinnetmäki, Elsa Heikkilä, Anni Puuperä): Sharing, caring, daring

The aim of the collective is to research and develop artistic work on the basis of the principles of softer practices and interactions, dialogic philosophy and safer spaces. The collective dreams of shaking, dismantling, and changing conventions related to the work of a dance artist. SOFT PRACTICE asks: Could the starting point of the artistic process be encouraging, respectful and well-being-supporting activities? What physical and artistic potential would be unlocked if the focus was on creating a safer work atmosphere? The collective dreams of emancipatory dance in a utopian work environment. These same principles and starting points are at the heart of the workshop.

Torstai 17.9 10:00 – 15:00

Saara Hannus: Tools for compersion and collegial love

What can ethical non monogamy teach us about shaping relationships? How could we use this information in collegial relationships and artistic practices?

Good and direct communication; openness; recognizing and articulating one’s desires, needs and boundaries; valuing the freedom of the other, etc. are central skills when practicing ethical nonmonogamy. In polyamory, one key concept is compersion: participating in the happiness or joy of others. How could one enjoy their partner’s sexual relationship or a colleague’s success? Recognizing jealousy and the complexity of relationships brings us closer to the practice of compersion.

In the workshop we drink tea and coffee and talk about relationships, we will have writing exercises and spend time mapping out values that guide our behavior in relationships.

Perjantai 18.9. 10:00 – 15:00

Milka Luhtaniemi: The poetics of slogan

This workshop is focusing on the poetic power and nuance of slogans and how to write them. We will examine how the poetics of arguments and oppositional sentences work and on the other hand  how affirmative and encouraging sentences make meaning. Some of the starting points are classic slogans such it gets better and this too will pass, but the workshop attendees are encouraged to develop their own. For me, slogan is related to poetic fragment and aphorism, and it includes the possibility for feminist resistance. I became interested in slogans after reading ”Poetics of protest” by British poet Verity Spott: ”Acts of protest can be carried out all the time. Mere passing of messages, acts of insurrection.” I’ve examined slogans and short sentences in my performances and assembled them into performative speech. Slogans have been an empowering and agency reinforcing medium for me, same way as poetry has.

We will read and write slogans, existing ones and our own, and compose them into formations and clusters. If participants wish, we can think about how to perform and apply them in to our specific contexts.


Haluatko inspiroitua ja inspiroida? Kokeilla uusia työtapoja taiteilijakollegoiden kanssa luovassa mutta paineettomassa ympäristössä? TOOLBOX hakee eri alojen taiteilijoita  jakamaan, inspiroimaan, oppimaan ja tutkimaan.

Lähetä LYHYT MAX PUOLIKAS A4 motivaatiokirjeesi (miksi haluat mukaan, millaisia työkaluja tarvitset) ja cv:si osoitteeseen  pe 11.9 mennessä!! 

HUOM! Labi maksaa 20€ ja osallistujien toivotaan sitoutuvan koko ajaksi. Yksittäisiä päiviä ei ole mahdollisuus ottaa.

Onko 20€ liikaa? Ei hätää, kerro tämä meille, niin hoidetaan homma yhdessä 🙂